Echo Voice AI

SaaS Application using ElevenLabs API

Computer Mockup



AI Saas products are becoming more and more popular. I wanted to create a SaaS application that would allow users to sign up for a membership and be able to use natural sounding AI voices to help with their content creation, audio books and much more.

There are many different API endpoints I could have went with, but after researching, I found that ElevenLabs API was the best fit for my project. It was easy to use and had a lot of different voices to choose from.

I used Next.js for the front-end and Tailwind CSS for the styling. I used MongoDB for the database and Stripe for the payment processing. I also used next-auth for the authentication and session management.

Click the demo button above to see the application in action. You can sign up for completely free and get 5 free credits toward using the AI voices. If you would like to access more credits you can use test card number 4242 4242 4242 4242 when you sign up with Stripe. This will give you access to 100 credits.


React - Next.js




ElevenLabs API



Stripe API
